Animal prey includes guinea pigs. Their ancestors in the wild devote much time concealing from wolves and other predators. Although domestic animals don’t experience this anxiety, they nevertheless desire to hide and feel secure. Here are a few concepts for guinea pig hiding places.
Having a hiding spot in the enclosure for your guinea pig would be best. Since pigs are herd animals by instinct, having more than one is always a wise decision. It would be best if you had a hiding for every pig. There are various options available, both store-bought and homemade.
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Kinds of Pig Hides and Tunnels
Plastic Igloos
Commonly referred to as “pigloos,” plastic igloos are a favored hiding place for several guinea pigs. Pigloos are composed of plastic, making them durable and straightforward to maintain. You may purchase various colors to fit your cage’s decor. You may get them in sizes to work anything from a mouse to a bunny if you have bigger or smaller pocket creatures.
Pigloos have only one drawback—some guinea pigs and other small pets like to nibble on them. If yours is one among these, you’ll need to replace the pigloo occasionally.
Wood Hides
You may purchase adorable wooden cottages in various designs as a hiding spot for your guinea pig. Guinea pigs enjoy chewing, and wood is a natural, sustainable source that appeals to them. Wood hiding places, like pigloos, are available in various sizes, making them perfect for any small pet. They performed exceptionally well for species that like to chew things, but if you own a critter that enjoys building things, you might have to repair the house from time to time.
Although guinea pigs typically use tunnels for running, numerous piggies also enjoy hiding there. They generally are as beloved by other little animals as piggies.
Adaptable Sticks
A guinea pig or other small pet may use an adaptable stick that twists into various shapes as a hideout. A few are essential, while others are a little more elaborate. They are available in a variety of sizes to fit all sizes and types of pocket pets. Any stick toys sufficiently chewed by your pet to reveal you must change the underlying metal composition.
Self-Made Hideouts
Although there are many possibilities available at pet stores, you may create fun hiding places for your guinea pig using supplies you already possess. For instance, guinea pigs enjoy hiding in grocery bags like cats do. Take old cardboard or cereal boxes you’ve torn apart and hold them up as an A-frame. Give these things to your guinea pig to play with, and throw them away when they become bitten or soiled.
These hiding places are fantastic since you can spot them throughout your home for no cost.
Are you having thought of buying your pets hides and tunnels? Now gordotheguinea offers your companions the best hides and tunnels to enjoy daily. They also provide other items your guinea pigs might need along the way. Their customer service is approachable.